Utah Real-time Water Quality

Computed discharge


Discharge is a measure of the flow rate of a stream, creek, or river. In almost all cases, the measurement is made indirectly by using gage height and a rating-table approach to compute discharge.

Stations That Measure or Compute Continuous Computed discharge

Click a station to view measurements of computed discharge.

Station Name Station Identifier
Dolores River near Cisco, UT 09180000
Colorado River near Cisco, UT 09180500
Duchesne River near Randlett, UT 09302000
White River near Watson, UT 09306500
Green River at Green River, UT 09315000
Ferron Creek (Upper Station) near Ferron, UT 09326500
Ferron Creek Below Millsite Res & Divs Near Ferron, UT 09327000
San Rafael River near Green River, UT 09328500
San Juan river near Bluff, UT 09379500