Kansas Real-Time Water Quality Regression Models
Many USGS stations on this website report not only continuous water-quality data that are directly measured in the stream such as temperature, specific conductance, and turbidity, but also continuous computed data such as total nitrogen and suspended-sediment concentration. The latter are computed using empirically derived site-specific regression models, which are created using established methods. The regression models have undergone a complete peer-review process, and are published and available on the web through this web page and selected interpretive reports.
A complete history of all Kansas regression models is available as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. It lists current models, as well as historic models that became outdated, or expressed computations in terms of non-continuous variables. Except for this spreadsheet, only the most current (active) models are shown on this website.
Current Regression Models
Current regression models used to compute continuous Kansas water-quality data
can be viewed four ways:
- Sorted by publication source.
- As a summary Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
- When exploring a computed constituent (under View Data), click Model Info to see the model used to computed those data (see figure).
- The original published sources of models; links are available throughout this website, including the next section of this page.
Published Sources for Current Kansas Regression Models
- Christensen, V.G., Ziegler, A.C., Rasmussen, P.P., and Jian, Xiaodong, 2003, Continuous Real-Time Water-Quality Monitoring of Kansas Streams, in Proceedings of 2003 Spring Specialty Conference on Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality, May 12-14, 2003, Kansas City, Missouri: Middleburg, Virginia, American Water Resources Association, AWRA Technical Publication Series No. TPS-03-1, compact disc.
- Christensen, V.G., 2001, Characterization of Surface-Water Quality Based on Real-Time Monitoring and Regression Analysis, Quivira National Wildlife Refuge, South-Central Kansas, December 1998 Through June 2001: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4248, 28 p.
- Foster, G.M., Graham, J.L., 2016, Logistic and linear regression model documentation for statistical relations between continuous real-time and discrete water-quality constituents in the Kansas River, Kansas, July 2012 through June 2015: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1040, 27 p.
- Juracek, K.E., 2011, Suspended-sediment loads, reservoir sediment trap efficiency, and upstream and downstream channel stability for Kanopolis and Tuttle Creek Lakes, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011-5187, 35 p.
- Kramer, A.R., and Williams, T.J., 2022, Model Archival Summary for Suspended-Sediment Concentration at U.S. Geological Survey Site 06887000, Big Blue River near Manhattan, Kansas, during July 2018 through August 2023: U.S. Geological Survey data release.
- Lee, C.J., Rasmussen, P.P., Ziegler, A.C., and Fuller, C.C., 2009, Transport and sources of suspended sediment in the Mill Creek watershed, Johnson County, northeast Kansas, 2006–07: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2009-5001, 52 p.
- Mau, D.P., Ziegler, A.C., Porter, S.D., and Pope, L.M., 2004, Surface-Water-Quality Conditions and Relation to Taste-and-Odor Occurrences in the Lake Olathe Watershed, Northeast Kansas, 2000-02: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5047, 95 p.
- Putnam, J.E., and Pope, L.M., 2003, Trends in Suspended-Sediment Concentration at Selected Stream Sites in Kansas, 1970-2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4150, 36 p.
- Rasmussen, P.P., Eslick, P.J., and Ziegler, A.C., 2016, Relations between continuous real-time physical properties and discrete water-quality constituents in the Little Arkansas River, south-central Kansas, 1998-2014: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1057, 20 p.
- Rasmussen, P.P., and Ziegler, A.C., 2003, Comparison and Continuous Estimates of Fecal Coliform and Escherichia Coli Bacteria in Selected Kansas Streams, May 1999 Through April 2002: U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 03-4056, 80 p.
- Rasmussen, T.J., Lee, C.J., and Ziegler, A.C., 2008, Estimation of Constituent Concentrations, Loads, and Yields in Streams of Johnson County, Northeast Kansas, Using Continuous Water-Quality Monitoring and Regression Models, October 2002 through December 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5014, 103 p.
- Rasmussen, T.J., Ziegler, A.C., and Rasmussen, P.P., 2005, Estimation of Constituent Concentrations, Densities, Loads, and Yields in Lower Kansas River, Northeast Kansas, Using Regression Models and Continuous Water-Quality Monitoring, January 2000 Through December 2003: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5165, 117 p.
- Stone, M.L., and Klager, B.J., 2023, Long-term water-quality constituent trends in the Little Arkansas River, South-Central Kansas, 1995-2021: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2023-5102, 103 p.