Kansas Real-Time Water Quality

Elevation above NGVD 1929


Water-quality standards and criteria are developed by the States, approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and then promulgated (passed into law) as standards by each State. Graphs on this website allow comparison of measured and computed data to these standards and criteria by plotting them as straight lines. When evaluating data to decide whether water quality is suitable for the intended use, viewers are cautioned to consider the uncertainty associated with these computed data.

Water-quality Standards and Criteria

Spillway elevation at Lake Olathe: 937.5 ft

When the water level of Olathe Lake exceeds 937.5 feet above sea level, water is flowing over the dam spillway.

Stations That Measure or Compute Continuous Elevation

Click a station to view measurements of elevation.

Station Name Station Identifier
Olathe Lake near Olathe, KS 06892450