Kansas Real-Time Water Quality

Hardness, total


The hardness of water is commonly expressed in an equivalent quantity of calcium carbonate that represents the major cations found in water including calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium. Sources of hardness are from all different rock types. Information of the hardness of water is used by water treatment managers to determine amounts of chemical to add during the treatment process.

Stations That Measure or Compute Continuous Hardness

Click a station to view measurements of hardness.

Station Name Station Identifier
Kansas River at Wamego, KS 06887500
Kansas R AB Topeka Weir AT Topeka, KS 06888990
Kansas River at DeSoto, KS 06892350
Little Arkansas River at Highway 50 near Halstead, KS 07143672
Little Arkansas River near Sedgwick, KS 07144100