Kansas Real-Time Water Quality

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Study Information

The Equus Beds Ground-Water Recharge Demonstration project is a study in cooperation with the city of Wichita. The water supply for the city of Wichita in south-central Kansas currently comes from two primary sources--the Wichita well field and Cheney Reservoir. These sources will not be adequate to meet projected city water needs in the 21st century. Artificially recharging the Equus Beds aquifer, which underlies the city well field, is one alternative being considered to meet future demands for water. The purpose of the Equus Beds Ground-Water Recharge Demonstration Project is to evaluate artificial recharge techniques from two supply sources and to determine how these techniques would affect water quality, design criteria, and problems associated with the infiltration of high streamflows from the Little Arkansas River.

Water intended for artificial recharge is captured either by a diversion well adjacent the the Little Arkansas River near Halstead or direct diversion of surface water from the Little Arkansas River at Sedgwick. The real-time water quality information helps the U.S. Geological Survey evaluate existing water-quality conditions in the study area and to evaluate the effects of recharge on the quality of ground water. Additional information on the project can be found in Ziegler and others (1999) and Christensen and others (2000).

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For Additional Information

Please contact:

Andy Ziegler
1217 Biltmore Dr., Lawrence, KS 66049
Tel: (785)832-3539, Fax: (785)832-3500
E-mail: aziegler@usgs.gov