Kansas Real-Time Water Quality

USGS station:

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Time period:

Funding to maintain the continuous water-quality monitor at this site ended on December 31, 2003.

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Continuous Water-Quality Data

Date-Time Computed instantaneous sulfate Computed instantaneous sulfate, lower 90% prediction Computed instantaneous sulfate, upper 90% prediction Probability that sulfate exceeds 250 mg/L Probability that sulfate exceeds 1000 mg/L Instantaneous specific conductance at 25 degrees Celsius
  in mg/L  in mg/L  in mg/L  in percent  in percent  in uS/cm 
12/01/2003 11:002352172524< 18260
12/01/2003 10:002352182524< 18280
12/01/2003 09:002362192535< 18310
12/01/2003 08:002362192536< 18320
12/01/2003 07:002362192536< 18320
12/01/2003 06:002362192535< 18310
12/01/2003 05:002362192535< 18310
12/01/2003 04:002362192536< 18320
12/01/2003 03:002362182535< 18300
12/01/2003 02:002352182524< 18280
12/01/2003 01:002352172524< 18260
12/01/2003 00:002342172514< 18250
11/30/2003 23:002342172514< 18250
11/30/2003 22:002342172514< 18250
11/30/2003 21:002342172514< 18250
11/30/2003 20:002352182524< 18270
11/30/2003 19:002352182535< 18290
11/30/2003 18:002362182535< 18300
11/30/2003 17:002352182535< 18290
11/30/2003 16:002352182524< 18280
11/30/2003 15:002352182524< 18270
11/30/2003 14:002342172514< 18250
11/30/2003 13:002342172513< 18230
11/30/2003 12:002342172513< 18240
11/30/2003 11:002342172514< 18250
11/30/2003 10:002352182524< 18280
11/30/2003 09:002372192546< 18340
11/30/2003 08:002382202558< 18380
11/30/2003 07:002382202558< 18380
11/30/2003 06:002382202558< 18380
11/30/2003 05:002372202558< 18370
11/30/2003 04:002372202558< 18370
11/30/2003 03:002372202558< 18370
11/30/2003 02:002382212558< 18390
11/30/2003 01:002382202558< 18380
11/30/2003 00:002372202547< 18350
11/29/2003 23:002352182524< 18280
11/29/2003 22:002322152492< 18170
11/29/2003 21:00229212246< 1< 18050
11/29/2003 20:002302132471< 18080
11/29/2003 19:002372202558< 18370
11/29/2003 18:0024622926433< 18690
11/29/2003 17:0024722926436< 18720
11/29/2003 16:0024422726226< 18630
11/29/2003 15:0024222425917< 18530
11/29/2003 14:0023922125610< 18420
11/29/2003 13:002362182535< 18300
11/29/2003 12:002342172514< 18250
11/29/2003 11:002362182535< 18300
11/29/2003 10:0023922125610< 18420
(... show all)

Discrete Water-Quality Data

Date-Time Instantaneous sulfate Instantaneous specific conductance at 25 degrees Celsius
  in mg/L  in uS/cm 
09/29/2003 11:30--9860
08/20/2003 12:20--10500
07/29/2003 10:5027410300
07/14/2003 12:30--9910
05/30/2003 09:50--5480
04/14/2003 11:45--5220
03/26/2003 11:40--3820
02/26/2003 11:10--5600