Kansas Real-Time Water Quality

USGS station:

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Continuous Water-Quality Data

Date-Time Computed instantaneous diss. solids Computed instantaneous diss. solids, lower 90% prediction Computed instantaneous diss. solids, upper 90% prediction Probability that diss. solids exceeds 500 mg/L Instantaneous specific conductance at 25 degrees Celsius
  in mg/L  in mg/L  in mg/L  in percent  in uS/cm 
02/28/2010 23:00429385477< 1732
02/28/2010 22:00428385477< 1731
02/28/2010 21:00428384476< 1729
02/28/2010 20:00427383475< 1727
02/28/2010 19:00426383474< 1725
02/28/2010 18:00425382473< 1724
02/28/2010 17:00425382473< 1723
02/28/2010 16:00426383474< 1725
02/28/2010 15:00427383475< 1727
02/28/2010 14:00428385476< 1730
02/28/2010 13:00429386478< 1733
02/28/2010 12:00431387479< 1736
02/28/2010 11:00432388481< 1739
02/28/2010 10:00433389482< 1741
02/28/2010 09:00433389482< 1742
02/28/2010 08:00434390483< 1743
02/28/2010 07:00433389482< 1742
02/28/2010 06:00433389482< 1741
02/28/2010 05:00433389482< 1741
02/28/2010 04:00432389481< 1740
02/28/2010 03:00432388481< 1739
02/28/2010 02:00432388480< 1738
02/28/2010 01:00432388480< 1738
02/28/2010 00:00431387480< 1737
02/27/2010 23:00431387479< 1736
02/27/2010 22:00430387479< 1735
02/27/2010 21:00429386478< 1733
02/27/2010 20:00428385477< 1731
02/27/2010 19:00428384476< 1729
02/27/2010 18:00427383475< 1727
02/27/2010 17:00426383474< 1726
02/27/2010 16:00427383475< 1727
02/27/2010 15:00427384475< 1728
02/27/2010 14:00428385476< 1730
02/27/2010 13:00428385477< 1731
02/27/2010 12:00430387479< 1735
02/27/2010 11:00431387480< 1737
02/27/2010 10:00432388481< 1739
02/27/2010 09:00433389482< 1742
02/27/2010 08:00434390483< 1743
02/27/2010 07:00435390484< 1745
02/27/2010 06:00435391484< 1746
02/27/2010 05:00436391485< 1747
02/27/2010 04:00436391485< 1747
02/27/2010 03:00436391485< 1747
02/27/2010 02:00436391485< 1747
02/27/2010 01:00435390484< 1745
02/27/2010 00:00434390483< 1743
02/26/2010 23:00433389482< 1741
02/26/2010 22:00432388481< 1739
(... show all)

Discrete Water-Quality Data

Date-Time Instantaneous diss. solids Instantaneous specific conductance at 25 degrees Celsius
  in mg/L  in uS/cm 
05/19/2010 21:15--516
05/10/2010 13:10--678
04/01/2010 11:00--656
03/10/2010 21:15--692